Nutrition rules for women over 40

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How to maintain youthfulness, ease menopause and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? We present a selection of recommendations based on research materials from British nutritionists.

1. Low-fat foods are not as healthy as advertisements claim. They contain stabilizers, emulsifiers and sweeteners. These are undesirable ingredients, so eat low-calorie ready-made meals as little as possible.

2. It is possible to include sweet fruits in the daily diet, but dosed out - they provoke surges in blood sugar. True, it is better to completely abandon grapes, since its use for obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus is harmful to health. But a few sour apples a day will be of great benefit: they saturate the body with vitamins and contribute to the elimination of toxins. Nutritionists recommend eating apples before 6pm.

3. To maintain health and beauty, you should have breakfast with fruits and vegetables, and during the day include fermented foods rich in fiber and probiotics in the menu. For example, sauerkraut, kimchi or kefir.

4. You should not give up fatty foods. But don't confuse healthy fat with trans fat. Eat oily fish, nuts, avocados, flaxseed and olive oils.

5. Complex carbohydrates must be present in the diet. Otherwise, intestinal disturbances may occur.

6. The emphasis in nutrition should be made on products of plant origin, and of different types. It is considered optimal if there are about 30 of them per week.

7. It is not necessary to completely give up coffee in favor of green tea, fresh juices, etc. An invigorating drink, on the contrary, is useful - if consumed in moderation.

A beautiful figure needs health
In pursuit of ideal forms, we often forget about the state of the body. Losing pounds, we harm ourselves and it is not surprising that after a diet and exhausting workouts, weight returns, and stress levels increase. But now you can control your health and choose such a diet, exercise and sleep regimen in order to achieve maximum and long-term results without getting sick. Modern technology makes it possible, based on heart rate analysis, to assess the impact of diet and physical activity. It is available to anyone at home. You just need a few minutes of free time, a mobile application and a device that reads the heart rate.

Your nutritionist, trainer and diagnostician
The platform Engy Health . It consists of an Engy Beat device and a mobile application, which, thanks to complex mathematical calculations, provides complete information about your health. Thanks to Engy Health, while dieting, you are clearly aware of the level of energy, tension and resources of the body. Unlike fitness trackers, Engy Health allows you to assess your condition comprehensively by looking at the key component of the service - Space health or the Baevsky diagram *. This is a kind of graphical reflection of health, the degree of stress and functional reserves. Ideal is when your result is in a green rectangle. This means that the body's energy reserves are sufficient and the chosen diet suits you.

A yellow square is a signal to think about: you may need to make adjustments to your diet or exercise. The transition to the orange-red range is a warning that the likelihood of getting sick is high and you urgently need to revise your program. The diagram reflects the general condition of the body. This is the result of a comprehensive analysis of a number of dynamic indicators.

Moreover, all the results are saved in the application profile and at any time you can track your state in dynamics and even consult a physiologist if you have any questions.

Eating and losing weight with Engy Health is easy, and most importantly, great.
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