What does the Baevsky diagram show?

The Baevsky diagram is a mathematical model that allows you to graphically track the risks of changes in your condition based on an analysis of heart rate variability. This technique was created by the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the preparation and remote monitoring of astronauts before and during flights. It is also widely used in sports medicine to analyze the degree of preparation of professional athletes for competitions. The ratio of reserves and tension in the body shows a complex state: from absolute health (Green Zone) to failure of adaptation (Red Zone).

Morning indicators of the Baevsky diagrams to a greater extent reflect the underlying state of your health, while the results of evening measurements reflect the state of the body after a day.

Physiological explanation
In a state of relative rest, a person practically does not need to spend energy. But as soon as a task appears, work begins. To solve it and maintain its balance, the body uses functional reserves. These include physiological, biochemical and psychological. Functional reserves are the range of the body’s capabilities, changes in the activity of its mechanisms in order to adapt to stress factors. On the Baevsky diagram, the reserves are presented along the X axis. And if the point of your result deviates to the left day after day, this means that the body is gradually exhausting its reserves, but does not have time to replenish them.

The Y-axis in the Baevsky diagram indicates the degree of voltage. This is a comprehensive indicator. It reflects what efforts the body has to spend in order to maintain its balance, in what state are the regulatory mechanisms. Is the sympathetic nervous system overstressed, is the parasympathetic involved. The degree of stress can be assessed using indicators such as PARS and Balance (HF-LF). On the Baevsky diagram, the degree of stress is indicated along the Y axis.

The higher your measuring point is, the more intense are the regulatory mechanisms. But at the same time it is important that your ability and readiness for tension is maintained. Worse, when the point drops to “minus” and there are indicators of functional reserves. This means that the body no longer has the energy to activate regulatory systems, it does not fight stress.